Korea Directory

Busan National Gugak Center
Yeonak-dang, the main theater, has a circular structure of 698 seats (including, eight seats for the disabled), which symbolizes the traditional musical instrument ‘Yonggo or a drum’. The Proscenium arch featured in the internal theater modernizes Korean tradition by introducing traditional wooden styling and window patterns on the wall.
We were able to secure the expandability and flexibility to enable large-scale performances by building a digital sound system. The system has high-quality wireless microphones that enable clear sound quality and various stages of conversion and production, and an automated LED lighting system capable of presenting colorful and beautiful performances.
The latest HD video camera capable of recording performances is provided so that audiences can feel artists up close. The stage is equipped with a large set of three-dimensional movement mechanisms to life, slid and rotates the stage, allowing stable and rapid stage changes.

Yeji-dang is a small theater with 276 seats (including, three seats for the disabled), and the exterior hall wall has traditional stone floor patterns on the traditional stone wall and hall floor.
The interior is designed to interpret tradition in a modern way and allow audiences to feel and watch the performance of players in sarrangbang or a reception room in a house for male guests.
It is designed to listen to the natural sound of Korean instruments, enhancing the sense of unity between performers and audience. 
The hall has an optimal acoustic environment to express artist’s creativity, moving light capable of expressing a modern edge, and the latest HD video system. 

NEXT Namwon National Gugak Center
korea Arts management service
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journey to korean music
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korea Arts management service
center stage korea
journey to korean music
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