Korea Directory

Busan Buk-gu Culture and Ice Center
The Culture and Ice Center in Buk-gu, Busan is a complex of cultural and artistic spaces and sports facilities for residents of Buk-gu, and boasts the best modernized facilities in the county.
In addition to providing high-quality cultural services and living sports facilities, we will play the role of regional cultural creation, cultural information center, and local living sports center. We will be located near Namhae Expressway I.C., the gateway to Busan, and will be a plaza for meeting with other regions.

In the concert hall that is optimized for the purpose of the performance, the arts are performed in plays, musicals, classical music, Korean classical music, dance, and various arts performances, including regular presentations at various schools, academies, recitals, recitals and lectures, so that the arts can live and breathe.
In 2018, 13 years after the opening of the Culture and Arts Center, the theater was remodeled and an improved performance environment is provided to satisfy local residents by replacing interior and sound, video, lighting, and stage machinery.

PREV Busan Democracy Park Theater
NEXT Busan Citizen’s Hall
korea Arts management service
center stage korea
journey to korean music
kams connection
korea Arts management service
center stage korea
journey to korean music
kams connection