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Croquiky Brothers

TitleCroquiky Brothers Drawing Circus

Genre  Street Arts

VenueGrande Prairie Festival

AreaNorth America > Canada > Edmonton

Program TypeCenter Stage Korea

FestivalGrande Prairie Festival


Tour Period2018-07-08 ~ 2018-07-30

Related Website

Adress10130 98 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0P6, Canada

Company Introduciton
‘Croquiky Brothers’ is a drawing circus team which has various ideas and paints delightfully. We meet audiences anywhere. We make our show with painting and performing. We make efforts to develop various contents.

Performance Detail
Croquiky Brothers Drawing Circus is Croquiky Brothers’ own new show where a drawing becomes a circus-like, colorful performance. It is not about looking at a completed drawing but about enjoying the process of drawing. This process filled with comedy makes the audience laugh and takes them to an unexpected ending.

*Photo Copyright: CroquikyBrothers

*Video Copyright: CroquikyBrothers

korea Arts management service
center stage korea
journey to korean music
kams connection
korea Arts management service
center stage korea
journey to korean music
kams connection